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Flakstad kommune

 The Municipality of Flakstad covers Flakstadøya and the northern part of Moskenesøya, and borders the Municipalities of Vestvågøy to the east and Moskenes to the west.

Fishing is the main source of income in the municipality. The fishing fleet is primarily comprised of smaller vessels, and the Lofoten seasonal cod fishery is the main focus for the fleet. The largest fishing village is Napp. There are several fish farms in the municipality. Agriculture is primarily based around co-op sheep farms, but some larger farms also have cattle. The primary industries employ a total of 35 percent of the municipality's workforce, 88 percent of which work in the fishing industry. In addition, the municipality has some industry as well, closely related to the fisheries. These include a slipway in Skjelfjord, mechanical workshop in Sund, and fish processing plants in Fredvang, Mølnarodden, Sund, Ramberg and Napp. Solbjørnvatnet, northwest on Moskenesøya, has been dammed, and the municipality's only power plant has been established in Solbjørnelva.

At Sund there is a fisheries museum, with exhibits including old boats and engines. There is also a craft smithy. At Vikten, to the north, there is a glass blower's cottage. Fisherman's cabin and wharfhouse accommodation is available several places in the municipality, including the old fishing villages of Nusfjord and Fredvang. The 19th century building mass at Nusfjord has been well preserved. Flakstad Church, northwest of Ramberg, is a timber-framed cross-shaped church from 1780. It was restored in 1938. It was allegedly built from Russian driftwood.

Flakstad's contribution to the "Footprints in the North" project is the trail from Nusfjord to Østre Nesland. The 6-kilometre trail connects a fishing village with a traditional combination farm, engaged in both fishing and farming. Follow in the footsteps of generations of Lofoten fishermen and farmers.

Navnet: Navnet Flakstad har trolig sin opprinnelse fra et gårdsnavn “Flaga” - flåg, bergvegg.
Beliggenhet: Kommune i Lofoten i Nordland som omfatter Flakstadøy og den nordlige delen av Moskenesøya.
Grenser i sørvest mot Moskenes, i nordøst mot Vestvågøy.
Folketall 2021: 1238.
Utstrekning: 178 km2. 7 innbyggere pr. km2.
Administrasjonssted: 8380 Ramberg.
Kommunehistorikk: Selvstendig kommune fra 1838. I 1916 ble Moskenes kommune skilt ut. I 1964 ble Flakstad slått sammen med Moskenes, før de i 1976 igjen ble delt i to kommuner.

Les mer om Flakstad kommune på fylkesleksikon Nordland
Les om Skulpturen som står i Flakstad i skulpturlandskap Nordland