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Hattfjelldal kommune

This municipality covers the valleys Hattfjelldalen, Krutvassdalen and Susendalen and their surrounding mountain areas. 

The main industries in Hattfjelldal are primarily agriculture and forestry. The agriculture is based on animal husbandry, with an emphasis on dairy production and sheep farming. The municipality has a vast agricultural potential that has yet to be realized. Hattfjelldal is among the most important municipalities in the county in terms of forestry. It also has the county's most productive forest areas. Most of the forest is owned by the state (Statskog).

Until well into the 18th century, nomadic Saami people made up the majority of the population in Hattfjelldal. The first permanent settlers came to Røssvatnet around 1700, and others settled in Susendalen a century later. In the latter half of the 19th century, settlers from the inland valleys of Eastern Norway populated the area. Almost half of the municipality's population live in or around the municipality's only town, the administrative centre of Hattfjelldal.

There are ample opportunities for hunting and outdoor recreational activities. To the south, a large part of the municipality is included in Børgefjell National Park, and to the north is Røssvatnet, the second largest lake in Norway, which has been dammed. The community has a centre for South Saami culture, and strong traditions for music, handicraft and theatre. At Krutå, archeologists have discovered a Viking era camp, including fortifications and more than 100 graves. Hattfjelldal Church is a timber-framed long-church, built in 1868.

Hattfjelldal's contribution to the "Footprints in the North" project is Heggeneset. Heggeneset is a restored Saami forestry farm. The people who lived here were a "people of toil". Their livelihoods included log driving, logging and farming.


Fakta om Aarborten tjïelte / Hattfjelldal kommune

Navnet: Navnet Hattfjelldal er egentlig et gårdsnavn der første ledd er etter fjellet Hatten.
Beliggenhet: Hattfjelldal ligger på Helgeland i Nordland, og grenser i øst i sin helhet til Sverige. I sør går grensen mot Røyrvik kommune i Nord-Trøndelag, i vest mot Grane og i nord mot Vefsn og Hemnes.
Folketall 2021: 1267.
Utstrekning: 2684 km2. 0,5 innbyggere pr.km2.
Administrasjonssted: Hattfjelldal.
Hovednæringer: Landbruk og industri
Kommunehistorikk: Hattfjelldal ble skilt ut fra Vefsn som egen kommune i 1862. I 1964 ble områdene nord for Røssvatnet overført til Hemnes.  

Hattfjelldal kommune sine nettsider

Hattfjelldal kommune på Wikipedia