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Vefsn kommune

The Municipality of Vefsn covers the immense Vefsna valley and surrounding valleys. The municipality is large, and its varied landscape includes high mountains, fjords, caves and rivers. The Vefsna river is good for salmon-fishing, and Brurskanken peak and Øyfjell cave are well worth a visit. In addition, the municipality has several well-lit cross-country ski tracks and ski resorts.

Vefsn developed into an industrial community in the period after World War II. Almost all of the municipality's industry is found in Mosjøen. The cornerstone employer is Elkem Aluminium Mosjøen. The Nes sawmill on Halsøya is the largest sawmill in the county, taking delivery of lumber from state and privately-owned forests in Vefsn and surrounding municipalities.

Vefsn is among the areas most suited for agriculture in the interior of Helgeland, and its concentration of cattle is among the highest in the county, with significant dairy and meat production. In addition to the logging taking place in state forests, forestry and logging is considerable as a second source of income for many farmers as well. Vefsn has the highest logging rate in the county.

Vefsn's valleys are largely forested, and the forests house large populations of moose and deer, grouse and golden eagles. In addition, Vefsn's forests are home to the northernmost colony of smooth newts. Vefsn has large lakes, and several of these lakes are important breeding and resting grounds for ducks and Canada geese. Mosjøen is the city at the centre of Helgeland and the centre of Norway. It is an inviting little city, with predominantly wooden architecture, nestled at the foot of Øyfjellet. 

Mosjøen's contribution to the "Footprints in the North" project is Sjøgata in Mosjøen. This street, with its approx. 100 very different buildings, is well worth a visit. There are ample opportunities for shopping, a visit to the museum or enjoying a coffee in one of the inviting cafés. The conservation work that has gone into preserving the wooden buildings here was awarded with the Maihaugen Award. The street environment has evolved since the 18th century, and there are boathouses, wharf buildings and trade houses in a wide variety of architectural styles. One of these wharf buildings houses the Vefsn Museum, which has an exhibit on Sjøgata, among other things.

Fakta om Vefsn kommune

Navnet: Navnet Vefsn utgår enten av norrønt “Vefsnir” - fjordarm, eller “vefja” - vikle rundt.
Beliggenhet: Vefsn ligger midt på Helgeland. I sør grenser kommunen mot Grane, i sørvest Brønnøy, i vest Vevelstad og Alstahaug, i nordvest Leirfjord, i nordøst Hemnes og i sørøst Hattfjelldal.
Folketall 2021: 13 268.
Utstrekning: 1929 km2. 6,9 innbyggere pr. km2.
Administrasjonssted: Mosjøen.
Viktige næringer: Skog- og jordbruk, industri

Kommunehistorikk: Selvstendig kommune fra 1838. I 1862 ble Hattfjelldal kommune skilt ut og i 1874 Mosjøen (ladested) fra Vefsn. Drevja og Grane ble skilt ut som egne kommuner i 1927. I 1962 ble kommunene Drevja, Elsfjord, og Mosjøen en del av Vefsn. Vefsn fikk sine nåværende grenser i 1995 da fastlandsdelen av Alstahaug ble overført til kommunen.

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Om Vefsn kommune på Wikipedia